Industry Innovation Leader in the Water Sector
RSE has a strategic vision to deliver innovative solutions and to be recognised as an Industry Innovation Leader in the Water Sector.
Innovation is at the heart of RSE, and we are continually challenging our current thinking and the solutions we provide to find new ways of working and new solutions that we can provide. Collaborating closely with clients our philosophy is to continually develop products which are more carbon, cost and environmentally beneficial for all.
Products at the Leading Edge of Carbon Reduction
As a critical element of our commitment to this approach our Innovations Hub can use the wide range of subject matter experts to develop products at the leading edge of carbon reduction.
The bespoke team of engineers and scientists are highly experienced in the Water Industry, and wider markets are well acquainted with the wider market needs for engineering solutions.
The team will look further than just technologies and will explore more effective ways to engage with customers, communities, and end-users, as well as improve their overall experience. They will use the internal processes as well as looking outwards to best practices from the wider water industry and other industries. We have already implemented smarter technologies from the oil, gas and renewables sectors and are looking further afield for innovations in the financial, automotive or air sectors that can enhance the way we do things.

At RSE, We Never Stand Still
Technologies Currently Being Developed/Optimised or Productised via our Innovation Hub Include:
- Using Ceramic membranes for water and wastewater treatment
- Ion exchange for Natural Organic Matter Removal
- MABR/MBBR/IFAS Technologies
- Non-chemical Phosphorus removal technologies
- Nature Based solutions
- New material construction Ultrafiltration Membranes
- High-performance mechanical strainers
- Nanofiltration membrane alternatives

A Considered Development Process
Fundamental considerations in any of our product or process developments will be:
- Achieving or exceeding our clients targets to be Net Zero Carbon by their committed timescale.
- Delivering and achieving Service Excellence in water and wastewater quality.
- Reducing the environmental impact of all our and our clients’ activities
- Embracing the circular economy
- Delivering cost efficiency for our clients
For further information
If you have any queries or wish to discuss any of the innovations or technologies being developed by the RSE Innovations team, please contact us directly:
- Innovations Team:
- Stephen Sandilands, Product Innovations Leader:
- Chris Hart, Innovations Manager: